Technology, research, and development (R&D) can play a crucial role in mitigating the impact of natural calamities […]
How technology and R&D can help solve healthcare accessibility challenges in India
Addressing healthcare accessibility challenges in India requires a multifaceted approach that leverages technology, research, and development (R&D) […]
Technology, research, and development (R&D) can play a crucial role in addressing agricultural distress in India by […]
The Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR), also known as Centre Franco-Indien pour la […]
The Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF)
Created in accordance with a March 2000 agreement between the governments of India and the United States […]
Finland and India recently had in-depth talks about strengthening their current educational relations. The two sides’ education […]
The Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) is about to open a data science and artificial […]
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